High Performance Sheet Gasket
Made of ceramic fiber (super heat resisting inorganic fiber) and excellent in flexibility and high temperature heat resistance, these are used as various types of sealing materials, as well as heat insulating material, shielding material and protective material. Since a small amount of organic fiber is included in the manufacturing process, some amount of smoke is generated at the initial stage of heating, while No.105SN cloth and No.112SN ribbon (liver) are smoking prevention treated. As core material of cloth and ribbon yarn, stainless wire is normally used, but others include glass fiber.

- UF300
- Product name
- Features1
- This is a high-pergormance non-asbestos sheet gasket that can be used for the widest variety of fluids, as different applications are not required depending on acid or alkali fluids.
- Features2
- This is a sheet gasket that enables integration of gaskets on chemical lines. Please contact us if you are using multiple sheet gaskets made by other companies.
- Features3
- Effective for promoting gasket integration at a plant where both alkali and acid lines exist.
- Features4
- This is a product that possesses high-temperature reliability equal to that of other high-performance sheet gaskets (GF300, for example), thereby possessing both chemical resistance and high-temperature reliability.
- Applicable fluid
- Water, sea water, hot water, steam,Crude oil, alcohol, animal and vegetable oils, thermal oil,General solvents, weak acid, weak alkali,Strong alkali, strong acid,Air, nitrogen, inert gas,Exhaust gas,Flammable gas,Oxygen,Cryogenic fluid,
- Inappropriate fluid
- Polymerizable monomer, Poisonous
- Use
- Cover flanges, nozzles and other joints for pipe flanges, valve bonnets, towers and tanks, ovens, pressure vessels, and heat exchangers in factories, electric power plants, oil refineries, steel plants, and ships.
- Main component
- PTFE, Silicon carbide
- Color / print
- Grey/Blue